My Daughters went to see Mimzy the movie and brought these back. I jazzed one up! According to them when asked "What did you think about the movie?" they replied. "It was weird." I don't think either one will become a Movie Critc .... I guess it would have been two thumbs down?????
Well as Jimmy Carrey would say "Somebody Stop Me!" I cannot pass up books lately. I found these and unfortunately Melinda put her name in RED on almost everyone. I am seriously thinking of selling them on E-bay. These are really awesome. I had never seen these before. I got these bunny pics today and this vase.
Yesterday was quite fun. I rambled along and looked for pastel goodies. The paper choices were over whelming. I got 5 sheets. The neat little flower goodies will be fun to use. I also tried my hand at crepe paper and put it around a little container and put some peeps in it....The scrapes of trim are neat. The white one is my fav.
I did this real quick like,,,,, yesterday. I can't cut a straight line to save my life. I need some primo scissors. I was reading a blog and noticed a person's favorite crafting item was her scissors. I wonder if she was on a deserted island would she bring those or her mascara?????
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I have seen so many pillow cases, on flickr that when I saw this one I could not pass it up. I love the colors and it is way soft. The best of both worlds!
Everything around South Georgia is pale yellow. For people with allergies,,,,like me it is no fun. I did however have fun thrifting......I got this cute hat for fun. It is by Kate Mack.
My mom has 12 of these. They say Taylor Stone Taylor Smith and Taylor. Pattern name is "Cathay". A grocery store gave had them as a special purchase. I think they are COOL!
This past Friday was a perfect day to look for treasures. My Mother and I spent the day checking out area thrift stores. We went into a new one and found several kitchen utensils for just 25 cents apiece. One that we found is a mystery. We don't really know what it's use is..... The three I got were neat. The pitcher is so neat. I love the simplicity of it!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Thrifting and found this owl spoon holder
which I would say falls into the kitsch category for sure. How the spoons actually line up or even if they are the original ones perplexes me.....It just cost a dollar and makes me smile!
The cute puppies need some fixing up. I tried to Google info about them but came up empty handed.